If you were arrested for being kind, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
Colossians 3:12
How would you like to feel better instantly?
I have the answer for you in just two words: Be Kind.
I wrote a recent blog post about The Contagion of Joy and all the benefits your attitude of joy brings to others. When you are being kind to others, you are the beneficiary as well! Little acts of kindness can all add up, proving true the wise old saying: “When you help others, you help yourself.”
For instance, strong scientific evidence shows that being kind is good for the body and mind. Studies have shown that even witnessing acts of kindness has positive, healthy side effects. Every act of kindness produces Oxytocin, which lowers blood pressure and improves overall heart health. Also, being kind stimulates the production of serotonin, which promotes calmness and a peaceful feeling that combats depression and anxiety. Serotonin also aids in physically healing wounds by decreasing pain and increasing endorphins. Wow! Who knew that showing kindness could be so good for you?
The kinder we are, the kinder we want to be because it feels good.
People who develop a habit of kindness reduce their cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone. The less stress and anxiety you feel, the better you feel. And since that feels so good, naturally, you want to do more of what makes you feel that way.
Being good to others is good for you. And it takes so little to develop a habit of kindness. All you need to do is be aware of what is happening around you, allowing yourself to connect with others. God created us to need one another, and human connection is essential to meet that need. Human connection is as vital to our emotional health as wholesome food is to our physical health.
This connection is as simple as smiling at someone. I know we live in a world where “stranger danger” is real, so I’m not saying to make eye contact and smile at everyone you see. But how about the clerk checking you out at the grocery store? A kind smile will do wonders for that clerk who frequently deals with impatient and irritated customers. How welcome your smile would be—a true act of kindness! And it makes you feel good as well. The atmosphere changes between you and the clerk. You both relax and perhaps even chat in a friendly manner. The clerk feels better, and you feel good—a win-win!
Many people are wrapped up in their list of things to do, often rushing to finish things.
Head down, they hurry by others, oblivious to what’s going on around them, often viewing people as obstacles to their goals of accomplishing their to-do lists. Or worse still, they’re not rushing but perhaps standing in a line or sitting on a train or bus, but their head is down, staring at their phone. They miss opportunities for acts of kindness, such as helping someone struggling to hold everything while waiting in the check-out line. Or perhaps they don’t notice an elderly person or pregnant woman standing on a train or bus who would probably appreciate being offered a seat. Simple things to show kindness go a very long way in helping others, and they never fail to make you feel better too.
Conclusion: Practicing kindness is an easy way to support your health.
Being kind is very easy—you just have to be mindful of your surroundings and willing to reach out beyond yourself in a positive, helpful way. Remember—even just a smile will do! Being kind promotes empathy, compassion, and an interconnectedness with others. These feelings, in turn, inspire well-being and reduce negativity. There is no downside to being kind.
Develop a life-long habit of being kind to others and reap the benefits of positive mental and physical health! You’ll thank me later!
NOTE: I will be offline for a few weeks due to the corrective back surgery I will be having. While I’m gone, please re-read some of my past blogs and perhaps leave a comment or two. It’s always so good to hear from you!